Collecting Tip Always buy cards from a dealer who is willing to trade with the kids. If you spot a dealer making trades to kids, buy his cards. We need more dealers like him or her! - tip from
Frequently Asked Question What are redemption cards? Why are they used? Sometimes inside packs of trading cards, the manufacturer will place a redemption or trade card in the place of the intended item. This card can be mailed in to the company for the item printed on the card.
Also called trade cards, they can be redeemed for items too big to fit into packs like autographed memorabilia (ever try to get an autographed basketball into a small pack of cards?), rookie player cards that are not yet drafted or determined at the time of production, or also in the unfortunate event that a player could not get their autographed back to the company in time for the product pack out.
Another form of redemption card can also drive collectors to the company website to see what their card is good for and the item is automatically mailed to them. This is the wave of the future, as it saves collectors the trouble of having to physically mail their card in. Upper Deck was the first company to offer such an online redemption program. To check it out and learn more about the conveniences of this program visit the online redemption site .
Since most companies cannot always keep stock of the item offered on the redemption card, there are printed expiration dates generally included in the copy on the card. If you find an expired redemption card in an old pack of cards, it is still worth calling the customer service department of company that produced the cards and asking them if the offer still stands or if a suitable replacement card can be offered.
Customer Testimonial
received in good time and condition, thanks!
Glossary Term Collation - The overall mixing of cards within a production run, so that a collector doesn’t continuously get the same cards within a given pack, box or case. If a product has good collation, then the collector will not got several duplicates of one commonly printed player while completely missing a number of other commonly printed players. The term good collation is also used when the intended insert ratios printed on the packaging are found within the respective pack, box, or case.