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Football Card

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Collecting Tip
Always buy cards from a dealer who is willing to trade with the kids. If you spot a dealer making trades to kids, buy his cards. We need more dealers like him or her! - tip from

Frequently Asked Question
What are multiple series sets?
Card companies create multiple series within a given season or year to capture all of the latest rookies and traded players within the overall set. While there are many ways to collect, some collectors only choose a couple of brands each year and try to complete an entire set. Those collectors demand a card of the latest rookie player or they want to see the first card of their favorite player in his new uniform should that player get traded within the context of the brand they traditionally collect. Therefore, products such as Upper Deck Baseball are broken down into two series: series one that is on shelves very early in the year and series two which follows up and captures many of the exciting changes that take place before the middle of the season. Sometimes, update sets are issued at the very end of the season to capture even more changes and late emerging rookies.

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Glossary Term
UV coating - A protective coating that is placed on cards to make them look glossy.

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