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Trading Tip
Start out small.
For your first few trades try sticking to small-value deals. Get a hang for email bartering and haggling, get the cards ready to ship and finally sending them out. It's a big world out there and if you dive in too fast it can be overwhelming. - tip from

Frequently Asked Question
What is the most valuable trading card in the world?
The most valuable trading card in the world is the Honus Wagner T-206 tobacco trading card issued in the early 1900s. Reportedly, Wagner did not want children to have to collect his cards through an association with tobacco products, so he demanded that he be pulled from distribution. Through this “short printing” and the many years that have passed (and the countless number of cards lost or damaged), the Wagner card has become one of the most rare and desirable in baseball card history. This card was originally sold at a Sotheby's auction for $451,000, purchased by Wayne Gretzky and Bruce McNall. The card has since traded hands a few times, and has since been reported to have been privately sold for well over one million dollars. It is the only known T-206 card in the world of Wagner to be in this type of condition. Other T-206 cards of Wagner have not even come close to the price tag that this card has sold for due to their condition. Today, the card remains with a private collector.

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Glossary Term
Embossing - This technology process adds a raised texture to trading cards to make the cards seem more 3-D.

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