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Football Card

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Trading Tip
Start out small.
For your first few trades try sticking to small-value deals. Get a hang for email bartering and haggling, get the cards ready to ship and finally sending them out. It's a big world out there and if you dive in too fast it can be overwhelming. - tip from

Frequently Asked Question
What is card grading?
Card grading has been a phenomenon over the last few years. An unbiased company grades the card based on the condition of the card. This allows the owner and prospective owners of the card to get a third party’s opinion of the card. This would prevent any debate over the condition of the card. There are many grading companies in the market but the more recognizable Grading companies include PSA and SGC.

Some of the Upper Deck releases offer graded cards within the boxes, while the majority of our releases only have raw cards (i.e. Non-graded cards).

The majority of cards submitted for grading are Rookie cards. The higher grade the card receives, the higher value the card will receive in the market. However, the values of the graded cards are dictated by the population report of the graded cards. Typical of a supply and demand market, the fewer of the higher values a given card has received, the higher value the card will command on the market. Prices of the graded cards could be found in publications such as Sports Market Report, and online auction sites such as Ebay.

Most collectors grade the card with the hopes of receiving a high grade, thus increasing the value of the card. Graded cards are great to have a third party’s opinion to help enhance the sale of the cards. In most cases, if collectors are content with the card, and plan on keeping it (especially if you are storing the card in a 9-pocket sheet), then there isn’t a need for the card to be graded.

Customer Testimonial
thanks for the fast shipment and great cards!!

Glossary Term
Embossing - This technology process adds a raised texture to trading cards to make the cards seem more 3-D.

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