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Trading Tip
Be accountable.
If the cards you do send get lost, try and work something out. Wishing the other trader an insincere "tough luck, Bub," is no way of building good trading partners. Likewise if the cards you send get damaged somewhere along the way. Offer to send their cards back or something else. Both sides meeting half way is my preferred method. While it's unfortunate some cards do go missing, cutting your losses and acting mature about it is the best way to go. Trying putting the proverbial shoe on the other foot and consider how you'd like the situation resolved. - tip from

Frequently Asked Question
Different pricing for card boxes
I saw a box in my local retail store for $29.99, why is my local shop charging me over $60 for the same box?

Before you think that your local shop owner is trying to give you a raw deal, please make sure that you are sure everything being offered within both boxes is the same. Manufacturers create many different box sizes with varying numbers of packs and contents within the same product line for different customer needs. That box for $29.99 likely has fewer packs and less value content within it. Don’t be afraid to ask your local shop dealer questions about the products and points of differentiation between the boxes. Most likely, they are not trying to give you a bad deal.

Customer Testimonial
Very good service.

Glossary Term
Insert ratio - These numbers are associated with cards that are not commonly available within the packs of cards. The ratio indicates what the odds are of finding such a card within packs. This is generally communicated on the packaging of a product with a ratio after a specific name, such as “Top Hitters 1:24,” which would indicate that the subset or insert set called Top Hitters is short printed (vs. the rest of the set) and will fall at an approximate ratio of 1 in every 24 packs. Sometimes, just the total number of cards produced for a specific short printed card is announced, as these cards are generally sequentially numbered and no approximate ratios are available at that time.

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