Collecting Tip Encourage kids to start collecting - tip from
Frequently Asked Question What is an e|card? Unique to Upper Deck is the e|card. e|card is a sports trading card with a virtual twist. Each one features a unique serial number that empowers the card with greater collectibility.
Collectors are given an online portfolio where they may enter that unique serial number from their cards in order to create a digital collection of them. You may build up as many cards as you like in your digital portfolio. As you enter them, they will also appear in thumbnail version at the bottom of the screen for you to scroll through quickly.
When scrolling through your collection you may, at any time, select one of your cards to see a full size version in the middle of the screen. As a bonus, there is a possibility of that card "e|volving" into an upgraded card. Simply choose one of your cards and click on the "e|Volve" button to see if your card evolves into an upgraded card.
If it does not evolve into an upgraded card, it will evolve into a bonus image of the athlete. The card will remain in your digital online portfolio and the possibility of future upgrades remains
e|cards may evolve into, among other things, an autograph card, a game-used jersey card, or an autographed game-used jersey card, depending on the series. When a card evolves into an upgraded card, a new window will open and the collector simply fills out their information and the upgraded card will be mailed promptly to their address!
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Super Fast. Great cards.Great price. Thx
Glossary Term Foil stamping - Decorative foil can be added to a standard paper trading card with varying degrees of coverage. Foil stamping adds texture, color, and shine to the card.